
Monday, September 23, 2013

365 preview

I'm going to start taking a picture a day (but only uploading them all at once on the weekends). I want to do this for a couple reasons:

  1. I think it forces you to step back and look at the world, to see the beauty in things, both big and small, and be grateful for said beauty.
  2. I love photography. I think it allows you to see the world in a different way and gives you a frame for life (see #1).
  3. I think "a picture is worth a thousand words" is a very true saying. And although I love the process of writing, and fancy myself eloquent at times (please just go with it ;) ), I love the creativity and thought that a picture requires.

So with that being said, every weekend you'll get 7 new pictures from the previous week, starting today and ending Sundays. This first one, though, I'll use as a broad, continued update on life the last three months. Enjoy.

 I moved into this place...well, not THIS place exactly, but the carriage house behind this place. And I love it.

I celebrated my Godson's third birthday.

I got a puppy. This is her first day home.

I went to my first baseball game.

I had (and hopefully started the tradition of) cocktail and movie night with a girlfriend.

I welcomed home some heroes.

I watched baby E for some dear friends. Her smile is contagious.

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